About Foxes Be Cute

This site if for mass posting of content to various platforms all at once to help artists speed up delivery of their much loved anv coveted content.

How did this come about?

Well, that’s interesting as it came about as a reward for TapEnvy.us, LLC hitting affiliate on Twitch. We wanted to do something with the community and one of the members suggested making a site like this. So we worked together to desing and develop this application for the benefit of the creative community at large.

How much does it cost?

Don’t know yet. Still seeing if it’s viable and wanted. If so, the cost would be enough to cover ongoing development and hosting costs and maybe a little profit for our time. :)

Can we trust you with our login credentials?

Who knows? Seriously. We’re random people asking for crednetials to your stuff. We will do our best to keep it safe but things happen. The good news is you can go into the respective sites and block our access and we’re none the wiser.

Did you seriously just say we can’t trust you?

Nope. Just that we’re like any other site. We do our best to keep your data and logins secure but shit happens. Be prudent and monitor your social networks. If we get hacked, we’ll let you know.

How do we make a suggestion?

Great! We’d love to read it! Just shoot us an email to our service desk and we’ll take a look.